Welcome to Czech Gold Association web pages

Czech Gold Association was formed as an interest association of legal entities with goal of supporting exploitation of the domestic resources of gold.

The current annunal consumption of gold in Czech republic is around five tons, of which the vast part is used in jewelry and industry. Although the Czech Republic is one of the largest gold bearing reserves in Europe and its exploitation in our country has more than two thousand years of tradition, the is no current mining of gold and its deposits are no longer studied. The cause of this situation lies in unresolved conflicts of interests with environmental protection. The significant long-term rise in the price of gold allows use of the latest and most environmentally friendly methods of mining and processing.

Obr. 1: Jsem ražen z českého kovu - Československá medaile 1928, zlatá výtěžková medaile k 10. výročí vzniku Československé republiky, prof. Otakar Španiel (zdroj: www.zlate-mince.cz )